Immer noch herrscht absolutes Messechaos – was ich an so einem Tag brauche? Schnelles Essen, dass uns alle glücklich macht. Denn es gibt nichts Besseres, als eine pikante Wurst nach einem Tag Süß, Kekse, Backen, Schokolade. Wir zaubern schnelle Hot Dogs mit der besten Debreziner, die es gibt. Von Landhof. Kennst du die schon? Schon […]
Creamy pasta with salmon

Miserable wind and drizzly weather? No way. I prefer to light a candle in the house, enjoy the music and enjoy a plate full of creamy salmon spaghettini. “Soul food on rainy days.” The dish is finished quickly and even if the little ones don’t like salmon, they love to eat sauce and pasta ;) […]
Bruschetta with ham and mushrooms

Bruschetta – what a treat. Although I imagine rather cosy summer evenings with a glass of Aperol. But even the cooler days promise a lot under a cuddly blanket with potbelly ;) Modified from the classic bruschetta with tomatoes, I created a new variation with bacon, mushrooms, herbs and rocket. The bacon gives the bruschetta […]
Apple pie dumplings

Et voilà – may I introduce? The apple strudel snails are ready to bake. They smell right into your home and want to be baked quickly. They are quicker to prepare than expected. Prepare the dough today in the evening and tomorrow morning, just fill it up and put it in the oven. In 25 […]
Plum dough cake

Next to the pumpkin, the plums are fighting their way to first place. Have you already baked with them, made jame or eaten them a natura? The plum dough cake with curd is particularly juicy and easy to digest. For baking I used the tarte pan of the Selection line from Städter. I painted them […]
Meatballs and pumpkin gnocchi

It’s the second round of autumn inspiration. Finally he is there. Everywhere sprouting. A very nutritious food in earlier times. Big and small love this, makes no difference which variety. Hokkaido, butternut or spaghetti pumpkin are probably the most common species we consume. Oh, our beautiful orange pumpkin! Pumpkin gnocchi wanted? I’ve also forgotten to […]
Avocado Pasta

We scream “ALL PASTA”. Our pasta attachments from Kenwood are currently in mood. I swear weekly. The feedback from family and friends is only positive and i am still full of joy myself – finally having created the perfect recipe for pasta dough. Are you pasta fans too? Sometimes there are times when we have […]
3 x breadlove

Baked with love. Baking also bread and not only cakes. But the sweet art is so exciting! So exciting! So demanding! There are so many ingenious techniques, variations and new creations. I don’t want to miss that anymore. The start of the week should give us a lot of sun and warm temperatures – what […]
violet potatoes and bacon

How do you like the color P U R P L E? I hate it on Outfits – but i love it on foods. Have you ever tried purple potatoes ? These potatoes are available in a low percentage set next to the original potatoes, so we should make them tasty for our moments of […]
Homemade Ravioli

3-2-1-BAAAAM! Finally. Finally. And again finally, here it is. Whether Ravioli, whether Spaghetti, Tagliatelle or Spirelli. Finally there is a perfect recipe for homemade pasta. I really tried a lot myself. I also failed several times – really failed and I was very down. But now, here it is. The secret recipe for well going […]