Almond-Blackberry Cake

Some days ago I was inspired by our beautiful nature. It inspires me every day, because every day me is looking out of ONE of our huge window fronts. Every day a deer with her little Bambi hoops next to our forest. Totally sweet to watch them – how trusting and close they are to […]


The stage is ready for… the best COOKIEDOUGH ever. Oh, i could clean the whole dough bowl. Childhood memories probably come up – when I was allowed to lick out the mixing bowls in my mother’s kitchen (especially during the Christmas season). Did you always do this as a child? My cookiedough was stirred by […]

Vegan Cake

Basically, there are many reasons what speak for a vegan diet. Not only the ethical motives are reasons but also the health aspect and the desire for a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. Plant foods not only taste delicious, they are also healthier. Vegans have fewer diseases  and live with less saturated fat and cholesterol. This […]