It’s the second round of autumn inspiration. Finally he is there. Everywhere sprouting. A very nutritious food in earlier times. Big and small love this, makes no difference which variety. Hokkaido, butternut or spaghetti pumpkin are probably the most common species we consume. Oh, our beautiful orange pumpkin! Pumpkin gnocchi wanted? I’ve also forgotten to […]
Ricotta Gnocchi
Wonderfully light and fluffy! The light version of ricotta gnocchi in basil butter and braised tomatoes is available for you today. No hearty potato dough. But i just wanna mentioned, that this one also tastes fabulous ;) The preparation for ricottag gnocci is almost easier than potato gnocchi. Stir all ingredients in a bowl until […]
Sage have various effects, it is known as an antipyretic remedy. It was also discovered, that sage have positive effects against headache. Fresh extracts shows anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. As healthy as it is, we love sage – using it in our daily kitchen. “Less is more”. For dinner, i’m serving today homemade potato dumplings […]
Potato dumplings
Sweet here – Sweetie there, can’t take any more! Phu, strict time i actually have. My head is full of chocolate. Therefore i think, it would be time to prepare something spicy for ya and Kreutzer’s helps. Not only, because of quickly roasted meat with highest of quality, caviar is FRESH also available, YIPPIIIE! Have […]