No heart shape – but it still tastes delicious. And this not only on Valentine’s Day ;) No eggs, no butter and also sugar reduced. Wow, if you like chocolate brownie – you should definitely put this recipe on your backlist right now! Dough is ready stirred in 10 minutes and can be distorted 60 minutes […]

What is tofu? He is white. And he is tasteless. Anything else? Yes – Tofu is known as bean quark, have you heard that before? Tofu is one of the staple foods in countries like Korea or Vietnam . After a biochemical process called denauturation (imagine an egg in a pan), the drained “tofu” is pressed […]
Baked Pasta

Does pasta count as soul food? We say YES. Long time no pasta recipe at Gaumenschmaus – i just wonder myself – where my homemade pasta is? Ufff – i think this urgently needs to be changed quickly. Have you ever made pasta by yourself? Even a few tips for me? Necessary equipment? Today’s cooking-version […]
Beetroot soup

I need your opinion. Acutally, I’m following a really bad cold and i already tried everything. inhalations with herbs, ginger/lemon mixtures, teas. Even the medi’s don’t want to hit this cold. I also try to push myself with chicken broths, vegetable soups and vitamins. Any other ideas and insider tips to get over the cold […]
Vegan Cake

Basically, there are many reasons what speak for a vegan diet. Not only the ethical motives are reasons but also the health aspect and the desire for a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. Plant foods not only taste delicious, they are also healthier. Vegans have fewer diseases and live with less saturated fat and cholesterol. This […]